陕西师范大学心理学院 陈文翔


Fig. 6. The means of fixation duration on the different parts of a target pedestrian. Error bars represent the standard errors.
要知道论文详情,请搜:Drivers’ recognition of pedestrian road-crossing intentions: Performance and process (实际上现在搜了也没用,因为刚刚接受,还没有online),所以看下摘要吧
Drivers’ recognition of pedestrian road-crossing intentions: Performance and process
Drivers’ recognition of pedestrian road crossing intentions is an essential process during driver-pedestrian interaction. However, compared with the rich observational findings on interaction behavior, little is known on drivers’ performance in recognizing pedestrian intentions, as well as the underlying cognitive processes. To fill in the gap, this study evaluated drivers’ performance in making judgments of pedestrians’ road crossing intentions in recorded natural driving scenes. Experienced and novice drivers identified pedestrians as “will cross” or “will not cross” at some time-to-arrival while their eye movements were recorded. The results showed that experienced drivers were more conservative in discriminating whether a pedestrian would cross or not (preferred a “pedestrian will cross” judgment) and took a higher level of information processing of pedestrian intention. Regardless of driving experience, drivers had a higher detection rate, earlier detection, higher level of information processing and quicker response over pedestrians who intended to cross than those did not intend to cross. A quicker response was also achieved when the time-to-arrival was smaller. Analysis of eye movements showed attentional bias to the upper body of pedestrians when recognizing intention. These findings offer an initial understanding of the intention recognition process during driver-pedestrian interaction and inform directions for autonomous driving research when interacting with pedestrians.
参考文献:Chen, W., Zhuang, X., Cui, Z., & Ma, G. (in press). Drivers’ recognition of pedestrian road-crossing intentions: Performance and process. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.