
马国杰 著. 《问道秦岭三百峪:旅游心理视域下的秦岭调研》,陕西师范大学出版社,2023年7月

庄想灵 著. 《行人过街安全中的人因及预防》,陕西师范大学出版社,2021年8月


Chen, Y., Zhao, Q., Liu, M., Ma, G., & Zhuang, X*. (In press). A Hierarchy Category of Socially Assistive Robots’ Functions: Insights from Older Adults. Assistive Technology.
Song, Y., Liang, S., Li, B., Ma, G., & Zhuang, X*. (In press). Duration and speed perception of loading processes: Influence of progress bar’s physical and symbolic speed. International Journal of Human Computer Interaction


Song, Y., Chen, X., Zhang, J., Tian, J., Zhang, L., Ma, G., & Zhuang, X*. (2024). Road-crossing behavior and safety of pedestrians facing autonomous vehicles with an acceleration indicator eHMI in VR traffic flow. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 107, 589-606

Du, T., Luo, C., Gao, Z., Chang, Y., Zhuang, X., & Ma, G*. (2024). Application and validation of a Chinese version of the food choice questionnaire (FCQ), Food Quality and Preference, 120, 105260

Du, N., Zhao, Q., Zhang, C., Ma, G., & Zhuang, X*. (2024). The Development of the Smartphone Proficiency Questionnaire for Chinese Older Adults (SPQ-COA). Journal of Applied Gerontology, 7334648241257796. https://doi.org/10.1177/07334648241257796

Chang, Y., Du, T., Zhuang, X., & Ma, G*. (2024). Time-restricted eating improves health because of energy deficit and circadian rhythm: A systematic review and meta-analysis. iScience, 27(2), 109000. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2024.109000

Liu, M., Zhuang, X*., & Ma, G. (2024). Should prohibition signs always be designed as bar-over-pictogram in traffic and non-traffic contexts? Cognition, Technology & Work. 26, 169-182. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10111-023-00743-5

柳韦任, 连湘怡, 庄想灵*, & 马国杰. (2024). 汉语拼音输入中韵律边界等级对相邻字母输入时间间隔的影响. 应用心理学. 30(4): 357-364


Song Y., Jiang, Q., Chen W.*, Zhuang X.*, & Ma G. (2023). Pedestrians' road-crossing behavior towards eHMI-equipped autonomous vehicles driving in segregated and mixed traffic conditions. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 188, 107115

Zhao, Q., Zhuang, X.*, Zhang, T., He, Y., & Ma, G. (2023). Pedestrian gaze pattern before crossing road in a naturalistic traffic setting. European Transport Research Review, 15(1), 31.

Liu, M., Zhuang, X.*., Wu, C., Ma, G. (2023) Pedestrian reported activity and information preference while waiting at a red light. IET Intelligent Transportation Systems. 17(8), 1588-1598

Song, Y., Zhuang, X.*, Zhang J. (2023). A Framework of Pedestrian-vehicle Interaction Scenarios for eHMI Design and Evaluation. Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics.D. Harris and W.-C. Li (Eds.): HCII 2023, LNAI 14018, pp. 523–532

Wang, Y., Duan, S., Ma, G*., & Shen, W*. (2023). Segmentation of spoken overlapping ambiguity strings in Chinese: An eye-tracking study.  Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research. 66(12), 4913-4933.

Luo, C., Zhu, M., Zhuang, X., & Ma, G*. (2023). Food word processing in Chinese reading: A study of restrained eaters. British Journal of Psychology114(2), 476-494. 

Wu, F., Gao, Z., Luo, C., Zhang, T., Zhuang, X., & Ma, G*. (2023). The effect of unit number and inter-unit distance on perceived food portion size. Food Quality and Preference. 107, 104826. 

Luo, C., Qiao, S., Zhuang, X., & Ma, G*. (2023). Dynamic attentional bias for pictorial and textual food cues in the visual search paradigm. Appetite. 180, 106318.

Gao, Z., Li, Z., Zhuang, X., & Ma, G*. (2023). Advantage of graphical nutrition facts label: Faster attention capture and improved healthiness judgement. Ergonomics. 66(5), 627-643.

Chen, Q., Peng, S., Luo, C., Zhuang, X., & Ma, G*. (2023). Measuring early-stage attentional bias towards food images using saccade trajectory deviations. Current Psychology, 42, 29838-29850. 

Li, Y., Zhuang, X., & Ma, G*. (2023). Use of minimal working memory in visual comparison: An eye-tracking study. Perception, 52(11-12), 759-773, 

Cui, Z., Zhuang, X*., Chen, W., & Ma, G. (2022). Feedback frequency of graphical countdown timers affects pedestrian estimated waiting time at red lights. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 88, 184-196

Zhang, G., Yao, P., Ma G., Wang, J., Zhou, J., Huang, L., Xu, P., Chen, L., Chen, S., Gu, J., Wei, W., Cheng, X., Hua, H., Liu, P., Lou, Y., Shen, W., Bao, Y., Liu, J., Lin, N., & Li, X*. (2022). The database of eye-movement measures on words in Chinese reading. Scientific Data. 9(1), 411. 


Ma, G*., & Zhuang, X*. (2021). Nutrition label processing in the past 10 years: Contributions from eye tracking approach. Appetite156, 104859. 
Gao, Z., Wu, F., Lv, G., Zhuang, X., & Ma, G*. (2021). Development and Validity of a General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire (GNKQ) for Chinese Adults. Nutrients,134353. 

Wang, J., Angele, B., Ma, G*., & Li, X*. (2021). Repetition causes confusion: Insights to word segmentation during Chinese reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition. 47(1), 147-156

Zhu, M., Zhuang, X*., & Ma, G*. (2021). Readers extract semantic information from parafoveal two-character synonyms in Chinese reading. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal. 34, 773-790

Liu M., Zhuang X*., Huang Y., Yang H., Ma G. (2021) The Effect of Diagonal Bar Position in Prohibition Signs on Recognition Efficiency of the Signs. In: Harris D., Li WC. (eds) Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics. HCII 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12767. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-77932-0_29

Zhao, Q., Liu, W., Zhuang, X.*, & Ma, G. (2021). Pedestrian time-to-arrival judgment of vehicles in naturalistic traffic scenes. Paper presented at the 6th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety, Wuhan, China.

蒋倩妮, 庄想灵*, & 马国杰. (2021). 自动驾驶汽车与行人交互中的沟通界面设计:基于行人过街决策模型的评估. 心理科学进展29(11), 1979-1992

汪钰涵, 马国杰, & 庄想灵*. (2021). 手机分心对行人过街中信息加工及行为的影响. 心理科学进展. 29(5), 806-814

乌仁其木格,赵傲雪,汪钰涵,庄想灵*,& 马国杰*. (2021). “找茬”任务中的视野偏好与参照策略. 心理与行为研究19(2), 166-171

马国杰. (2021). 汉语阅读中的重叠歧义字符串的词切分. 于秒 & 闫国利主编《阅读的眼动经典实验》, 科学出版社,2021年4月


Zhuang, X*., Zhang, T., Chen, W., Jiang, R., & Ma, G*. (2020). Pedestrian estimation of their crossing time on multi-lane roads. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 143105581. 

Chen W., Jiang Q., Zhuang X*., Ma G. (2020) Comparison of Pedestrians’ Gap Acceptance Behavior Towards Automated and Human-Driven Vehicles. In: Harris D., Li WC. (eds) Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics. Cognition and Design. HCII 2020. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 12187. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-49183-3_20

Ma, X., Zhuang, X*., & Ma, G*. (2020). Transparent windows on food packaging do not always capture attention and increase purchase intention. Frontiers in Psychology,  11, 593690

赵傲雪, 庄想灵* & 马国杰. (2020). 驾驶员在交通场景中的变化视盲及其启示. 应用心理学. 26(2). 129-140.


Chen, W., Zhuang, X*., Cui, Z., & Ma, G*. (2019). Drivers’ recognition of pedestrian road-crossing intentions: Performance and process. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour. 64552-564.

Cao, Y., Zhuang, X*., & Ma, G*. (2019) Shorten pedestrians' perceived waiting time: the effect of tempo and pitch in audible pedestrian signals at red phase. Accident Analysis and Prevention123, 336-340
Zhuang, X*., & Wu, C. (2019). The effect of interactive feedback on attitude and behavior change in setting air conditioners in the workplace. Energy and Buildings, 183, 739-748

Ma, G*., Li, D., & Zhuang, X*. (2019). Do visual word segmentation cues improve reading performance in Chinese reading? Ergonomics62(8), 1086-1097
Ma, G*., Li, Z., Xu, F., & Li, X*. (2019). The modulation of eye movement control by word length in reading Chinese. The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology72, 1620-1631.


Zhuang, X., & Wu, C*. (2018). Display of required crossing speed improves pedestrian judgment of crossing possibility at clearance phase. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 112, 15-20. 

Zhuang., Wu, C*., & Ma, S. (2018). Cross or wait? Pedestrian decision making during clearance phase at signalized intersections. Accident Analysis and Prevention111, 115-124. 

Ma, G*., & Zhuang, X*. (2018). Distributional analyses of word frequency effects in Chinese sentence reading and lexical decision tasks. Journal of Research in Reading41(S1), S183-S196.

Zhou, J., Ma, G., Li, X*., & Taft M. (2018). The time course of incremental word processing during Chinese reading. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 31(3), 607-625. 

马国杰*, & 李兴珊*. (2018). 中文阅读中的词切分研究. 揭春雨, 刘美君主编,实证和语料库语言学前沿. 中国社会科学出版社, 北京, 2018年9月


Ma, G., Pollatsek, A., Li, Y., & Li, X*. (2017). Chinese readers can perceive a word even when it’s composed of noncontiguous characters. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 43,158-166.

Ma, G*. (2017). Does interword spacing influence lexical processing in Chinese reading? Visual Cognition25(7-8), 815-824.

Yi, W., Lu, S*., & Ma, G. (2017). Frequency, contingency and online processing of multiword sequences: An eye-tracking study. Second Language Research33(4), 519-549

2016 BEF

Sun, R., Zhuang, X., Wu, C*., Zhao, G., Zhang, K., (2015). The estimation of vehicle speed and stopping distance by pedestrians crossing streets in a naturalistic traffic environment. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 30, 97-106

Zhuang, X., & Wu, C*. (2014). Pedestrian gestures increase driver yielding at uncontrolled mid-block road crossings. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 70, 235-244.

Zhuang, X., & Wu, C*. (2014). Saving energy when using air conditioners in Offices—Behavioral pattern and design indications. Energy and Buildings, 76:661-668.

Zhuang, X., & Wu, C*. (2013) Modeling pedestrian crossing paths at unmarked roadways.  IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 14(3), 1438-1448.

吴昌旭*, 马舒, & 庄想灵. (2013). 行人过街的认知心理过程和模型.心理科学进展,21(7),1141-1149

Zhuang, X., & Wu, C*. (2012). The safety margin and perceived safety of pedestrians at unmarked roadway. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 15(2), 119-131.

Zhuang, X., & Wu, C*. (2011). Pedestrians' crossing behaviors and safety at unmarked roadway in China. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 43(6), 1927-1936

Zhuang, X., & Wu, C*., (2011). Modeling of pedestrian crossing behavior at unmarked roadway in China. Proc. in the 1st International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety. Wuhan, China: ASCE

Ma, G., & Li, X*. (2015). How character complexity modulates eye movement control in Chinese reading. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal28(6): 747-761.

Ma, G., Li, X*., & Pollatsek, A. (2015). There is no relationship between the preferred viewing location and word segmentation in Chinese reading. Visual Cognition23, 399-414.

Ma, G., Li, X*., & Rayner, K. (2015). Readers extract character frequency information from nonfixated-target word at long pre-target fixations during Chinese reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance41, 1409-1419.

Ma, G., Li, X*., & Rayner, K. (2014). Word segmentation of overlapping ambiguous strings during Chinese reading. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance40, 1046-1059.

Li X*., & Ma, G. (2012) Word boundaries affect visual attention in Chinese reading. PLoS ONE. 7(11): e48905, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0048905.

马国杰, & 李兴珊*. (2012). 阅读中的注意分配: 序列与平行之争. 心理科学进展20(11), 1755-176

李兴珊*, 刘萍萍, & 马国杰 (2011).中文阅读中词切分的认知机理述评.心理科学进展, 19 (4), 459-470